Complete Qur’an in 3 volumes (10 Parts/book).
For the first time word for word English translation to increase the awareness of the Arabic verses. To understand the Qur’an it is necessary that one should know the translation of every word of the verse.
Study the Noble Qur’an Word-for-Word (3 Volume Set) Compiled By: Dar-us-Salam Publications
Translation by: Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
For the first time word for word English translation to increase theawareness of the Arabic verses.
To understand the Quran it is necessary that one should know thetranslation of every word of the verse. Therefore, to convey to thepeople, the more accurate meaning of the Qur’anic verses, theword-for-word translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an isproduced. Since mere word-for-word translation itself does not lead tothe complete understanding, the idiomatic translation is also producedon the same page to facilitate for the complete awareness.
Volume 1: Parts 1 to 10 Pages: 455
Volume 2: Parts 11 to 20 Pages: 452
Volume 3: Parts 21 to 30 Pages: 476
Publishers Note
To understand the Qur’an, it is necessary that one should know thetranslation of every word of the Verses. It is very difficult tounderstand the Qur’an without knowledge of the meanings of the Arabicwords. Therefore, to overcome this difficulty and to convey to thepeople the accurate meaning of the Qur’anic Verses, we are producingthe word-for-word translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an.since mere word-for-word translation itself does not lead to completeunderstanding, we have produced the idiomatic translation also in orderto allow the readers to see the word-for-word translation of the ArabicVerses along with the idiomatic one on the same page.
remember from my childhood, when I was studying in the fourth grade,my lather used to teach us the Qur’an along with its Urdu translation.We studied the necessary interpretation and the Arabic grammar. Afterabout three years of study, I was able to recite on my own the firstfew parts of the Qur’an while understanding its meaning in the Urdulanguage. Whenever the Imam recited Verses from those parts in thecongregational prayers at the mosque, I easily understood the meaningof f the Verses. I felt great joy at being able to understand therecitation of the Imam.
This memory initiated me to produce this translation of the meaningsof the Noble Qur’an so that the readers and reciters of the Qur’an mayextract more pleasure from the recitation by understanding its meanings.
All the present English translations of the meanings of the Qur’anare idiomatic. Such translations are not designed to help the readerlearn the meanings of each Arabic word. Therefore, the readers andreciters simply proceed forward without ‘knowledge of the Arabicvocabulary used in the Verses. But when one knows the Meanings of eachArabic word of the Verse, then whether he himself recites the Qur’an,or listens to some other’s recitation, he gets the pleasure ofunderstanding it.
The real marvel of the Qur’an comes with its understanding. TheQur’an itself emphasizes this point: “Andindeed, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; thenis there any that will remember?” (Surat Al-Qamar, 54:40)
Also Allah has encouraged us to contemplate the meanings of theQur’an. We receive blessings for its recital, but mere recital alone inmelodious tone is not the goal of Qur’anic recitation. The intent ofreading the Qur’an should be to reflect upon and understand the addressof Allah Himself to mankind. Allah says: “Do they not then think deeply(contemplate) in the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up (fromunderstanding it)?” (Surat Muhammad, 47:24)
If one approaches the Qur’an with the intent of reflecting upon itsmeanings, then he achieves the full objective of the Qur’an’srevelation, which is guidance for mankind. As Allah says: “The month of Ramadan, in which the Qur’anwas revealed as a guidance for mankind.” (Surat Al-Baqarah,2:185)